The District Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 5, Winter 2017-18 | Page 30

loves company and champions create champions . Choose to be surrounded by positive influencers and people who inspire you .
Let your body language communicate selfrespect . Keeping your shoulders pulled back and your body straight and tall communicates confidence to your brain , one study confirms . Other research found the most empowering stance is one in which your arms are held slightly away from your torso , your body is open and your head is up .
Boost your smile . Scientists say our brains are zapped with an instant mood boost when we smile , and that boost is reinforced when others smile back . Whiter and healthy teeth can have a direct effect on social and professional interactions , and both are even easier to achieve with the latest technology in dental . In study results transcending gender , age , income , education , employment and marital status , 58 percent of participants were more likely to be hired after whitening their teeth , while 53 percent received higher salary offers . Sixty-one percent were deemed more confident , and 54 percent generated more interest from others in terms of further interactions or dating .
Optimize color in your clothing . The right shade may light up your entire face and have a surprising impact on your mood . " Choosing the color of your office , your clothes or your desktop should not be taken lightly - colors do affect our moods and productivity ," states a recent article on Scienceofpeople . com . " When given the choice , picking a color that will work with you and not against you can only help ."
Wear scent strategically . Because our brains link certain smells to positive experiences , research suggests we may be able to ramp up our confidence with scents that remind us of happy times . That ' s why aromatherapy can help alleviate anxiety , depression and sleeplessness , and improve quality of life for those with chronic health issues , confirms Mayo Clinic .
When you ' re taking care of yourself and projecting your best self , you ' re far more likely to project the confidence you need to deal effectively with life .