The District Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 5, Winter 2017-18 | Page 22

G N I I OR V G N A H T M E E K A T U YO Alix and Elizabeth Martinez are Tampa natives that live in Downtown's Channel District. Both know about giving back and have been participating in local and global missionary work since 2011. They realized how precious life was after an unfortunate life changing event of their own when experiencing their first miscarriage. The Martinez’s have participated globally in places like Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Africa. Recently, they served missions with organizations like Renew Hati with Christ the King and Talking Hands Listening Eyes. Both organizations are local to Tampa but with a global reach and mission. The Martinez's have respect and love for the 22 22 people and their cultures. "You are instantly humbled by the poverty, however, more humbling is meeting the villagers, seeing how hard their day in and day out routine is", said Alix. "They walk miles daily to collect dirty water from a creek or well, for cooking, cleaning and bathing, yet we came to realize they have more joy than most Americans we meet today." Alix and Elizabeth lead missionary teams to help in any way they can. The need around the world