The Developer Journal Issue 2 | Page 51

. RE and treadmill desks, and support for people who use active transport, such as bicycle storage and showers. Exercise equipment on site is also measured, specifically age-appropriate, muscle-strengthening and cardiovascular equipment. functions, in turn, affect morbidity such as diabetes, obesity, depression and heart failure. The body needs periods of brightness and darkness to maintain healthy circadian rhythms, as well as the right levels and colours of light to provide cues about time of day. Nourishment Comfort Our dietary choices and patterns are influenced by increased availability of healthy foods, reduced marketing of unhealthy foods, and information about the content of foods. In the nourishment theme, WELL considers factors such as the variety and promotion of fresh fruit and vegetables, labelling of allergens, hand-washing stations, minimising high-calorie and processed foods, and signage at eating venues to indicate the availability of healthy food options, including small salad-picking planters that encourage occupants – residents or even office workers – to regularly add fresh, healthy green leaves to their meals. Within the comfort theme, WELL addresses acoustic comfort, thermal comfort and ergonomic design. A number of options can be implemented to address the reduced productivity, concentration and performance that can be caused by excessive noise. Buildings can include loud and quiet zones, limits can be imposed on noise levels, and surfaces can meet certain noise reflection criteria. Sound masking can also be used to decrease distraction, and provide a certain degree of privacy. WELL building practices contribute significantly to the health of occupants, and this encourages them to stay longer. Although it is more often marketed for use in office buildings, WELL is applicable to all types of buildings – residential, commercial, office, educational, and even health facilities – and can be applied to new and existing buildings. It is administered by the International WELL Building Institute. Light Within the light theme there is consideration of factors such as whether lighting is adequate for work and focus, reduced solar and workstation glare, and surface reflectivity. Light is the most important cue for our circadian rhythms, which affect our alertness, digestion and sleep. These 51