The Current Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 53

Second, and more recently, The Sites Project Authority, composed of State and Federal water contractors, alongside State irrigation districts, has proposed for the Trinity, "similar long-term average flows," except, "...during normal and below average years." It concludes that during these times, "flows could be reduced 31.2 and 33.6 percent during February and March, respectively."

Just when would Trinity water not fall into one of these categories?

In a subsequent piece of curious logic, the proponents claim in their media campaign that such flows would aid troubled Sacramento River salmon populations by storing water for releases into the Bay Delta.

Lastly, the Department of Interior has 'unilaterally' deactivated the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group, which was created in 2000 and charged with the mission of restoring the river's fisheries. Essentially this disallows stakeholders a right to be heard. (For more on this development see Caltrout's Trout Clout update.)

As Caltrout co-founder Richard May has continually reminded me, vigilance is as much a component of Caltrout's mission as activism.