The Current Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 36


SB 49 (DeLeon and Stern): California Environmental, Public Health, and Workers Defense Act of 2017

Without diving too deep into the impetus for this bill, the government of California dove in head first to preserve the federal protections that might be on the chopping block in Washington D.C. SB 49 makes existing federal laws like the Clean Air and Water Acts, enforceable under California law. CalTrout, along with many conservation groups, was tasked with analyzing which federal standards are essential to preserving California’s freshwater ecosystems. Although there are concerns which we hoped SB 49 will address, CalTrout is pleased to write that California already has a healthy host of environmental protections encoded into law. SB 49 was ultimately rejected by the legislature, partly due to the success of the passage of the Park Bond and the packed schedule. California is still susceptible to major blows to federal environmental protections, and this bill should resurface is we lose any ground in D.C.

STATUS: On hold.

Senate Joint Resolution 7 (McGuire)

Passed by the legislature and signed into action by the Governor, this measure urges state and federal departments and agencies responsible for the stewardship of public resources, as specified, to make collaborative, statewide salmon fishery restoration an urgent and high priority. The measure also urges the federal government to undertake all appropriate measures to provide necessary disaster relief for California salmon fisheries for 2017.

STATUS: Passed legislature. Signed by the Governor.

AB 109: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

CalTrout supported amendments in AB 109 to make sure that the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund bill approves various investments to fight climate change. Besides the potential funding pot, the recognition of mountain meadow restoration as an important step towards combating climate change supports and verifies our Sierra Office’s greenhouse gas work.

STATUS: Passed legislature. Awaits Governor's signature.