The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 52

Pratah Vidhi (To be recited once early in the morning) ™ I bow to Shri Simandhar Swami. ™ I bow to Dada Bhagwan who is pure love. (5) (5) ™ Let no living being in this world be hurt, even in the slightest degree through this mind, speech or body. (5) ™ Except for the experience of the pure Self, I do not want any temporary things of this world. (5) ™ May I acquire infinite inner strength to remain continuously in the agnas of the Gnani Purush 'Dada Bhagwan'. (5) ™ May Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Vision and Abso- lute Conduct manifest, exactly and completely as seen by the Gnani Purush in his Science of the Vitarag.(5) Pratikraman : Process of Divine Apology With Dada Bhagwan as my witness, I offer my salutations to the Pure Soul who is totally separate from the mind, speech, and body of * _________ I recall my mistakes (aalochana) ** I apologize for these mistakes (pratikraman) I affirm not to repeat these mistakes again (Pratyakhyaan) Dearest Dada Bhagwan ! Grant me the strength to act in accordance with this firm resolution. * name of the person hurt by you. ** recall the mistakes you committed with this person. ♣ ♣ ♣