The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 47

31 has a picture of Simandhar Swami. Then everything would be accomplished, because He is present and living. It is not important to have my picture, but there should at least be a picture of Simandhar Swami. Even if people do His darshan without knowing who He is, they will still benefit. There are beautiful pictures of Simandhar Swami out there and if his pictures were to reach everywhere, then all the work would be accomplished. It will reach the homes of the Vaishnavs and the Jains. It will bring instant benefits because He is currently living! The purpose of these temples is to acquaint people with Shri Simandhar Swami. This world will have a different aura altogether when Simandhar Swami is worshipped in each and every household and when His temples are built everywhere. In The Company Of The Embodiment Of Moksha I am visible here to you but I remain constantly in front of Simandhar Swami and I make you do His darshan. He is the Dada of Dada! Ultimately we all need Him. If you remain close to Simandhar Swami, even if you sit by his idol, it will help. I too sit there, even though I am in moksha. Otherwise why else would I need Him? It is because He is still above me. Moksha is attained only through His darshan. When we do His darshan, whose darshan are we doing? It is the darshan of the One who is the embodiment of moksha; the One who has a physical body but whose essence is moksha. Jai Sat Chit Anand