The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 46

30 anything from Him. I cannot ask. But you can ask and take anything from me. The Miracle Of That Final Darshan Questioner: We will just show them Dada’s ‘visa’! Dadashri: Everything will happen the moment you show your ‘visa’. From the very moment you set eyes on the Lord Simamndhar, there will be no end to the bliss you will experience. The world will become oblivious to you. It will be the ultimate end when everything in the world loses its appeal for you. You will become totally immersed in the bliss of the Self and become completely independent. Enlightened Vision Is The Visa To Moksha Questioner: You have said that one will acquire keval Gnan, absolute knowledge, by doing darshan of a tirthankara. Dadashri: Lots of people have done darshan of a tirthankara. We all have done so, but at the time, we were not ready. We did not have the right vision. We had deluded vision. What can even a tirthankara do for those with such a vision? The grace of the tirthankara falls upon those with enlightened vision. Questioner: So it is only when one is ready with the enlightened vision that the darshan of a tirthankara will lead him to moksha? Dadashri: That is why you have to be ready and get this ‘visa’. Thereafter, wherever you go, you will meet one tirthankara or another and your work will be done. Worship Only Lord Simandhar It would be wonderful when every household in Hindustan