The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 41

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Questioner : But Dada , does Simandhar Swami sense that you are doing His work ?
Dadashri : It is not like that . If you pray to Simandhar Swami , you reap benefits . If you do the same with the Siddha Bhagwan those who have already attained moksha , you do not get anything . Simandhar Swami has a physical body . You can go there in just one more lifetime and you can actually touch Him .
Questioner : Wow Dada ! Will we get that chance ?
Dadashri : You will have all the opportunities , why not ? You are in deep praise of His name and you pay obeisance to Him . We have to go there , and that is why we say to the Lord , “ Lord , although You are there and we cannot see You , but through the worship of your image idol we are doing your darshan ”. Here in India people have enormous idols of the tirthankaras who have departed . Even if you sit there all day , you will not achieve anything . What is the use of worshipping the deity of those who can no longer help you ? It is better to worship the deity of a living tirthankara . This is the arihant Lord . He will help you .
Questioner : When we were all chanting , ‘ Dada Bhagwan Na Aseem jai Jaikar Ho ’, you too were chanting something . Whose name were you chanting ?
Dadashri : I too was chanting the same . I too bow down to Dada Bhagwan . Dada Bhagwan is at 360 degrees and I am at 356 degrees . I lack four degrees and that is why I too chant His name also so that others will do the same . They too are lacking .
Questioner : What is the relationship between ‘ Dada Bhagwan ’ whose name you make us chant and Simandhar Swami ?