The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 35

19 Questioner: But what is wrong in going to hell in order to acquire such a worthy status? Dadashri: Leave this alone! Let go of your foolishness and wise up! You will understand all this when you have to experience the heavy penance! The penance is so severe there, that people can die from just hearing about it! A person can just stop breathing from its’ intensity! So do not even talk about it otherwise it will become a firm determination of yours, which will use up all your merit karmas. Do Not Consider Simandhar Swami Indirect There are many temples with idols of Simandhar Swami but they should be like the one in the temple of Mehsana (Northern Gujarat, Western India) so that the world would benefit. Questioner: How would this benefit the world? Dadashri: Simandhar Swami is the current living tirthankara. The benefit comes from worship of His idol that is in front of you. For example if Lord Mahavir was around at present and was moving about in this world, and was not in front of you, even by worshipping his idol, would we not receive the same benefit? Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: Likewise, there is a tremendous benefit for us from the presence of a current tirthankara because the vibrations of His absolute pure Self and atoms of his physical body would be floating around in the atmosphere. The benefit is tremendous. Questioner: Is there a difference between worshipping Simandhar Swami in my home and worshipping Him in a temple? Dadashri: There is a difference.