The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 34

18 Dadashri: The Tirthankara status is no ordinary status. It is a very tough status to attain. Cause for that status has to be established in the fourth or the third era of the time cycle when tirthankaras are actually and physically present in our world. This status of tirthankara can never be created as a cause in the fifth era of the time cycle. There is no advantage in becoming a tirthankara for you all mahatmas. For us all there is the direct path to liberation. Tirthankaras too have to attain moksha! Questioner: How many years does it take to cause this status to come to fruition? How can a current status be changed to that of a tirthankara? Dadashri: If the time cycle is conducive and a tirthankara is present, one can create and cause a tirthankara status. Questioner: But Dada after this cycle of Kaliyug, Satyug is definitely coming, so again the time will be good, will it not? Dadashri: No, but it can only be done if there is a tirthankara present. Most of these mahatmas here will have already attained final liberation before another tirthankara comes along here in this world. Questioner: Very often I wonder why I cannot become a tirthankara so that I can be liberated directly. Then, later I learnt from you that one could only become a tirthankara if one has already established a status of tirthankara. So how can we establish that status now? Dadashri: You can do so if you still want to have many lives that total a hundred thousand years. Then I can do it for you but you will have to go back to the seventh hell many times over. One has to go to hell many times before one can attain a tirthankara status.