The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 26

Simandhar Swami has to be particularly revered because He is the closest to our Bharat Kshetra and He has an obligation towards it because of a subtle bond due to interactions of past karmic deeds . Even tirthankaras have karmic accounts . Simandhar Swami is living and present today .
So whom can you call an arihant ? Simandhar Swami and the other nineteen tirthankaras are the arihants , but it is not necessary to maintain a connection with all of them . If you keep relations with one , the rest will automatically be included . So do darshan of Simandhar Swami . Bow down with reverence and say , “ Dear Arihant Bhagwan ! You only are the true arihant here today !”
Unity of the Mind-Body-Speech Exists Over There !
People in Mahavideh Kshetra are just like the humans on Earth , with similar physical bodies and emotions .
Questioner : Dada , isn ’ t the life span long there ?
Dadashri : Yes , they have a very long life span ; otherwise they are just like us . Their day-to-day conduct is just like ours used to be during the fourth time cycle . People of this fifth time cycle have learnt to steal from others and gossip amongst their relatives . Such interactions are not to be found there .
Questioner : Is life interaction there similar to ours here ?
Dadashri : Yes , people bind karmas there too . They also have the awareness of , ‘ I am the ‘ doer ’. They also have ego , anger , pride , attachment and greed . There is a presence of tirthankaras there right now because of the fourth time cycle , otherwise everything there is just like it is here .
The only difference between the fourth and fifth time cycles is that in the former , there is unity of the mind , speech and body ,