The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 22

Swami in Mahavideh Kshetra ?
Dadashri : What activity ? He is the Lord . People do His darshan ( to look upon or see with reverence , to experience what He is experiencing spiritually ) there . When He speaks , His speech is without any attachment and therefore liberates the listener . This speech is called deshna .
Questioner : What else does Simandhar Swami do in Mahavideh Kshetra ?
Dadashri : He does not have to ‘ do ’ anything . His actions are dependant upon the unfolding of his karmas . His ego is completely gone and He remains in Gnan ( absolute awareness ) all day long , as did Lord Mahavir . He has a lot of followers and devotees around him .
Moksha Through Mere Darshan
Questioner : Please describe the darshan of Simandhar Swami .
Dadashri : Simandhar Swami , at the moment , is one hundred and fifty thousand years old . He too , is like Lord Rishabhdev . Lord Rishabhdev is considered Lord of the whole universe . Shree Simandhar Swami too is the Lord of the whole universe . He is not here on our planet but He is in another location in this universe , where human beings cannot go with their physical bodies . For Gnanis have the ability to send their energy to Him , ask questions and return with answers . One cannot go there with their physical body , but it is possible to be born there .
Here in Bharat Kshetra , our world , tirthankaras have ceased to be born since the last twenty-five hundred years . At Mahavideh Kshetra , a birth of tirthankaras is a continuous ongoing