The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swa | Page 10

Editorial Who doesn’t have a desire to be liberated? But it is very difficult to find the path of liberation. Without a leader of this path, who can show us the way? The Gnanis and tirthankaras of the past have liberated many people. Today, through Gnani Purush Dadashri, a new path is now open to us; this path is the path of Akram Vignan. Which is easier to do - to rise to the top one step at a time or to by-pass all the steps altogether? Is it easier to climb the stairs or to ride in an elevator? In this day and age, people only find the elevator path suitable. The scriptures claim that in this day and age, it is not possible for one to acquire the ultimate liberation directly from this world of ours. However, a path via Mahavideha kshetra has always been open for a very long time. One will have to go to Mahavideha kshetra and after doing darshan of the living tirthankara, Shri Simandhar Swami there, final moksha is attained. Dadashri places all aspirants of liberation on this path, by making them Self-realized first and thereafter they all become established on this path to Mahavideh with full inner conviction. On this planet and in this era, there is no living Tirthankar, but at present, in Mahavideh Kshetra there lives Tirthankar Shri Simandhar Swami. Simahdhar Swami is able to grant final liberation to seekers from the planet earth. The Gnanis have revived this path and are sending the seekers to the same path. Recognizing the living Tirthankar, awakening one’s