The Coworking Magazine APR/MAY 2017 | Page 12

I f you stop investing in your human capital , your hireability will quickly decline . Freelancers and entrepreneurs need to keep up with trends and make sure their set of skills stay relevant for their market . This is especially true for workers who are employed in the tech industry or any other rapidly changing industry .

Investing in yourself is important for growing your business and financial success , boosting your creativity , and making yourself more marketable . One major way you can invest in yourself and boost your hireability is through education .
Education encapsulates any learning that makes you more desirable in your field and more likely to be hired . It ’ s easy to think of graduation from high school or college as the completion of your education . If you keep that mindset , you won ’ t go far as an entrepreneur or a freelancer . Your education should be continuous and never-ending .
Attend Conferences Conferences can serve a double or even triple purpose . You learn something new , network with people who are already doing it , and find new clients . When looking for a conference to attend , look for something that will push your boundaries . Find a conference that covers a topic that you ’ re interested in and want to learn more about .
Make sure the conference you attend is about a topic that will enhance your skill set . Choose a topic that will help you to grow your business or step into a new niche that ’ s more profitable .
Take Classes Online There are tons of classes out there . Some are even free ! Online classes are often self-paced and self-study . This can be a bonus for busy freelancers who often don ’ t have time until the wee hours of the morning . It can also be a drawback as finding time to finish the course won ’ t happen unless you make it happen .
Use an online class to learn a new skill , something you ’ ve never tried before but that will benefit you in your line of work . For writers , maybe you take a course on social media strategy . For website builders , maybe take a course on user design or UX . Certain skills are more desirable than others and it ’ s important to keep your skills new and fresh .
Find a Mentor A mentor can truly take your business to the next level . There ’ s no wrong way to access a mentor ’ s knowledge . You can meet with a mentor once , once a week , just periodically , in person , or over email . Whatever works for you .
A mentor is just someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and is willing share advice with you on how to get there . There ’ s also no limit on how many mentors you can have .