The Connector Edition 1 | Page 21

Are you a Riddle Master?


1. The more you have of it the less you see, what is it?

2. What do the letter 't' and an island have in common?


3. What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct?

4. What four legged animal can jump higher than a house?


5. If you look you cannot see me. And if you see me you cannot see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, but later everything goes back to normal. What am I?

6. From the beginning of eternity

To the end of time and space

To the beginning of every end

And the end of every place.

What am I?

*Answers at the bottom of the page.

1. Darkness 2. Both are in water 3. "What time is it?" 4. Any, houses can't jump. 5. Your Imagination 6. The letter "e"

By: Charli and Toni Vaillancourt



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