The Communiqué Volume 5 | Page 14

Online streaming rights Online streaming rights is another unique area . One must first understand that the IP right to the game itself is the game publishers . Game publishers usually would not have an issue with their games being streamed as this not only stirs up greater interest in their game but also increases their revenue . This is why streamers are generally allowed to stream games that they play and streaming is their sole source of income . However , this right must be balanced with the rights of tournament organisers who have to fulfil their obligations toward their sponsors . Should viewers be taken away from the official channel , this will result in sponsors not wanting to sponsor tournaments and thereby affecting the esports ecosystem itself .
Moving towards an Era of Digitalisation
No doubt that the legal profession throughout the world has moved towards digitalisation . Usage of soft copies , saving docs on cloud servers as compared to an in-house server , heavy reliance on information technology products is now a norm and will continue to develop in years to come . In my view , lawyers should embrace , adapt and adopt digitalisation rapidly to stay relevant and competitive with all the industries of the world .
Words of Advice to the Young Ones
It is crucial that aspiring lawyers retain the core characteristic of a lawyer , which is to serve and assist your clients to the best of your abilities . Of course , one must have the necessary legal skills and knowledge but skills and knowledge alone is insufficient if your heart and passion is not in the right place .
Law is a challenging yet rewarding career requiring a person to constantly think of solutions , to come to a conclusion and often to do so with precision . As such , an aspiring lawyer would have to have much stamina and drive to build a career in law .
In the end , always do the right thing .