The Commons Spring 2017 | Page 25

MUSIC AT NSA REGISTER ONLINE, AT CHENANIAHINSTITUTE.ORG WHO SHOULD ATTEND CSMI KODÁLY TRAINING? • Undergraduate students interested in music education. • Graduate students in music or music education. • Pre-school teachers who want to introduce music into their classrooms. • K–12 music teachers who want to expand their teaching skills and earn professional development credits. • Private music teachers who want to expand their skills. WHAT’S INCLUDED IN A CSMI KODÁLY COURSE? Zoltan Kodály said that music teachers should be two things: • The best possible musicians • The best possible teachers Both of those things, musicianship and teaching skills, are crucial to good teaching. The CSMI Kodály courses address both of those needs with four areas of study: 1. Materials, where participants learn the principles of folk song analysis and create a retrieval system to organize teaching materials; 2. Pedagogy, where students take those materials and create masterful lesson plans that maximize student learning in an enjoyable manner; 3. Musicianship, where participants develop their personal musicianship and ability to use the pedagogical tools of movable-do solfa and rhythm syllables; 4. Choral Studies, where participants sing in a choir, intended to create a top-level choral experience and receive instruction on conducting techniques. And unlike most Kodály training courses, a Biblical view of music will permeate everything you hear and see. We will set aside specific times to learn about the role of music in a Christian and classical education. HOUSING & MEALS NSA does not have campus housing, but we will be happy to help you find friendly and reasonably priced accommodations during your stay. In addition, evening meals will be provided by Friends of NSA and our corporate sponsors on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings (both weeks)! QUESTIONS? Contact Sandy Belschner: [email protected]. SPRING 2017 25