The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 91


Should Robots Be Accepted As ‘ People ’?


Have you ever heard about rights ? Or have you ever heard about a robot that needs rights ? Do robots need any assurance ? Can we count a robot as a human ? A robot is an autonomous machine which is capable of being aware of its own environment , carrying out orders to make decisions , and perform actions in the real world .
However , robots can never make their own decisions because a robot is always controlled by a computer . It means it ’ s always controlled by someone or something . Human rights are given to a person who can make his own decisions and who can think about his own life . Can you imagine that your fridge talks about his rights and wants you to pay ? Or even your phone doesn ’ t want to work . Isn ’ t it strange that a device can ’ t even decide their needs and rights ? We , as human beings , are different because each of us has feelings and thoughts , but robots or machines don ’ t have any of them .
On the other hand , humans are social . We have feelings , have rights because we are always in touch with others . Clearly , when we communicate with others , we need rights to be on the safe side . Robots are made for a purpose . They don ’ t need rights to exist . Moreover , robots are just devices which make our lives easier . So , we can never talk about a robot ’ s psychology . Robots will never care about their own psychological problems .
Considering all of the above , a robot can never be a human being or can never be given human rights because robots don ’ t need any self -protection . Due to this , they can ’ t think , they can ’ t feel or even do any actions on their own . So why should we give them human rights ? Why should we count them as humans ? There are no answers for these questions . In conclusion we don ’ t need to give a robot any rights because they are just created to solve problems , they are not created to live a life as a human .