The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 88


The Perfect , Edited Babies ’ Generation


The most popular use of the new gene editing technique CRISPR is also the most controversial : editing the genomes of human embryos to eliminate genes that cause disease . We don ’ t allow it now . Should we ? Naturally , this question is open to discussion .
The embryos , provided by patients undergoing vitro fertilization , will not be allowed to develop beyond seven days . But in theory and eventually in practice CRISPR could be used to modify disease-causing genes in embryos brought to term , removing the wrong script from the genetic code of that person ’ s future descendants as well . This is the thing which was wished before by the patients who have genetic code problems , for their children not to have genetic diseases . They mostly say that their life is not easy , they are not offered options like everyone does and that makes their life even harder . Proponents of such “ human germline editing ” argue that it could potentially decrease , or even eliminate the incidence of many serious genetic diseases human suffering will be worldwide . There is another question to be asked . Whether they only do it for the good of human generation worldwide ? Opponents say that modifying human embryos is dangerous and unnatural and does not take into account the consent of future generations . Who is right ?
The most common objection in editing genes is to try acting like God or being involved in God ’ s work . This argument rests on the premise that natural is good . Yes , natural is good but what if the nature is your disease ? Do you take pills like antibiotics while you are sick ? Antibiotics , as you tell by its name is anti-biological , not natural . We would not be able to use antibiotics to kill bacteria or otherwise practice medicine , or combat drought , famine , or pestilence because the thing we do to prevent them is not natural . So that we should brood on our life . There are nearly no products that are organic , they are simply made by people . The topic that is discussed in this article is unnatural so are the pills and many products used to enhance diseases . This question , whether its unhealthy or healthy , because it isn ’ t organic lags behind .
Finally , there is the argument that modifying genomes is inherently dangerous because we can ’ t know how it will affect the individual . How can we know without trying it ? We can guess but it will be a guess only . It can be wrong or right . But there is a great risk . Human beings are afraid of the things they don ’ t know , this experiment ’ s results aren ’ t known and that is the good and dominant reason for them to be scared . They are right . Can you count on a great risk ?
The aim of this article is not about the right to wrong , it is not about who wins the game . It is for humanity , for the good of humanity . I think that , there are many questions to be answered before it comes official , for that everyone should work hard , and we should put our soul into humanity and the future generations .