The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 55

In 2017 , Hanson Robotics manufactured the Robot Sophia to accompany the elderly and help crowds at large events . This AI technology can analyze conversations and respond just like a human being . When the government of Saudi Arabia granted citizenship for Sophia , she became the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship . She is also known for having more rights than females in her nationality . It demonstrates how much robots are becoming human like us . On the one hand , we are sure to benefit from their potential and advantages , but on the other hand , we can ’ t ignore the issues they may inflict upon us . For many , it is not likely to be afraid of robots since we are the creators of them but when we think about high technology such as self-driving cars or robot armies in our very daily lives , it brings up a few concerns . For instance , just considering the errors done by the autocorrect feature while writing a text on our smartphones should make us think twice before relying on technology in life or death situations . When it comes to placing robots into forces , it is not that easy for us to rely on a machine to discriminate civilians and combatants in warfare . But Christine Fox , the Acting United States Deputy Secretary of Defense thinks that the technology is evolving and probably will evolve to a point where it will be able to discriminate .
“ We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now , which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe ,” says Elon Musk , entrepreneur and businessman . Throughout the years , we developed industry , transportation , agriculture , and energy production activities but we unintentionally or perhaps intentionally skipped the possible issues that may occur by these developments . Now , they are the main reasons for the carbon emission the world is suffering from . According to the report published by the United Nations Environment Program “ The supply and use of fossil fuels accounts for about threequarters of mankind ’ s carbon dioxide emissions .” About 15 % of carbon dioxide is being released by transportation . At this point , governments are ought to build roads appropriate for bicycles , invest in their public transportations with eco-friendly approaches such as using solar panels or chargeable buses and encourage their citizens to drive their bikes or at least to use public transportations rather than personal cars while getting around . While taking our steps we have to consider the fact that we all are on the same ship and we do not have any chances of evacuation after we sink .
Sources : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = bZn0IfOb61U https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 3oE88 _ 6jAwc https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? time _ continue = 8 & v = znuk- FtaWPAw & feature = emb _ logo https :// fortune . com / 2017 / 10 / 26 / robot-citizen-sophia-saudi-arabia / https :// www . wikizeroo . org / index . php ? q = aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi- 53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvU29waGlhXyhyb2JvdCk https :// www . theguardian . com / environment / 2011 / apr / 28 / industries-sectors-carbon-emissions https :// www . epa . gov / ghgemissions / sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions https :// ecowarriorprincess . net / 2018 / 04 / carbon-intensive-industries-industry-sectors-emit-the-most-carbon / https :// www . biologicaldiversity . org / programs / climate _ law _ institute / transportation _ and _ global _ warming /