The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 53


Concerns of the Contemporary World


According to the Oxford Dictionary , “ Ethics are moral principles that govern a person ’ s or a group ’ s behavior .” When we think of ethics , what we actually think about is humanity and our nature , but the future has more than we have ever imagined . Now , our biggest concerns upon ethics are based on highly developed technology . Nowadays , our privacy is not something we can secure by drawing the curtains or locking the doors anymore . As technology develops , it spreads all around . Not only the technology but also the climate is changing due to our actions . As individuals sharing the same world , we are responsible for these changes and therefore we are the ones facing the consequences .
“ The power of technology has already surpassed the scope of our ethics ,” says Gerd Leonhard . We cannot stop technology and expect it not to get involved in our lives . Nevertheless , privacy is a right that we can ’ t and shouldn ’ t abandon . Giving up on our privacy means having no private phone calls , photographs or even face to face dialogues since technology is with us all the time . We spend most of our time surrounded by computers , mobile phones , and cameras . On top of that , they are supposed to be for our safety , welfare , and comfort . We make sure to have them with us for work , school , and even for emergency cases . No matter how hard we try , we can never be able to dispose them completely .