The Commited MAY 2020 | Seite 45


An Interview

Nisa AY - Irmak ÜNSAL

We are conducting an interview with our biology teacher Ms . Işık Turcan , who has been teaching biology for over 19 years . She has a degree in Biotechnology Applications and teaching formation from Ege University . She is also an active scientist involved in countless projects and experiments related to healthcare , like studying the effects of the extract of Momordica Charantia ( bitter melon ) on breast cancer cells , and also some environmentally-related projects like cleaning oil spills in the sea by the use of human hair mats . During this interview , we will be asking Ms . Turcan three main questions affiliated to Genetics and also a major Environmental matter .
Interviewers : Hello Ms . Turcan . First of all , we would like to express our gratitude for taking the time to answer our questions and support our project . Let ’ s begin with our first question which is about Genetics . Should we edit our children ’ s genomes ?
Işık Turcan : Actually , it is the first step to prevent crucial diseases nowadays . For example , the parents who suffer from hereditary diseases could protect their offspring and prevent them from carrying illnesses through gene therapy . On the other hand , editing the children ’ s genomes could be misused and lose its health-related purpose from therapy to enhancement . Which might create social and ethical concerns and inequalities with dangerous consequences .
Interviewers : Oh , that sounds like a science fiction alternate reality ! Remaining with the topic of genetic modification , in relation to farming which is crucial for our survival as a species ; GMO-based crops have proven to be a great solution to many environmental and nutrition challenges . Should all of our crops be GMO-based ?
Işık Turcan : Firstly , GMOs are intended to fight hunger worldwide .