The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 174


Should the Police Use Facial Recognition Technology to Monitor the Public ?

Uğur Can GENÇ

Having intelligence services is a good thing for the police , but some people think it needs some improvement for now . Recently , most of the security agencies in the United State of America have started using this technology . However , San Francisco officials are now thinking to put an end to the technology again because it often fails . It can unjustly convict some people . For instance , during a football match the cops were once looking for some criminals and the intelligence service identified 2470 people , only 173 of whom were the real criminals . That ’ s why people started questioning it .
However , there is another issue which should be taken into consideration . What might happen if this technology gets into the hands of some bad people ? You may think that I am being a bit pessimistic here , but I guess we have to think about this possibility as well .
There are good things about this technology , too . For example , criminals can be found faster and easier . If scientists can improve this technology , the results will be more precise and the crime rates will dramatically decrease when compared the current ones . With some improvement , this technology will work perfectly and it will be even able to distinguish between identical twins .
All people have distinctive features which are unique to them and I ’ m one of those people who believe that it should be improved a little more . I think it will be good for the world .