The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 169


Self Driving Cars

Aslınaz PAYTAR

If a self-driving car has an accident , we should absolutely blame the driver because even if the car is a self-driving one , the person must be in charge .
In other words , if there is an accident , the driver must stop it by either pushing the stop button or following any other safety procedures to make the car stop so that the passengers will be safe . However , in my opinion , self-driving cars should not be used in the future or maybe they can be used in small numbers because of their danger .
Imagine that people use self-driving cars and one of the systems becomes out of service , what will happen ? There will be a huge accident .
To sum up , using self-driving cars can be good but there are a lot of disadvantages as well and if an accident happens , people will be blamed for this because cars are machines which cannot not be fully trusted .