The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 142


What About Ethics ?


As you know , technology has developed a lot and there have been many discoveries in the last couple of decades such as modifying unborn children ’ s genomes and giving humankind “ Godly power “ by modifying DNA , living forever , brain implants , copying human bodies and more , could potentially change our lives . I personally think these “ powers ” should not exist because the selfish-ness and the passion to rule of the humankind would corrupt the future .
So , I think if people decide on making a “ better ” human , it will change our lives permanently and it won ’ t be probably in a good way . Since people cannot even get on well with others such as people of other genders , ethnicities , and ideas . I think they would not be fine with the idea of a “ superior human kind ”, and they might be right about some aspects of it . For example , it is not fair to compete with people who are genetically enhanced by their parents . Since you did not choose who you are , a lower-class person can suffer compared to some others who are genetically enhanced people . As I mentioned earlier , people become selfish and craving for power and money . So , these “ superior people ” might believe that they are the ones to govern the world , and that can easily turn into hegemony and slavery .