The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 125


Editing Children ’ s Genomes


Having kids is a wonderful miracle for many people . It is mostly exciting for the parents because the baby ’ s gender , health conditions and other characteristics are not chosen by them . However , playing with the genetics of babies , erases the chances and surprises . I do not think we should edit children ’ s genomes because it is not natural , it is very risky and it might increase the imbalance of genders .
Playing with genomes of a baby kills naturalness . People nowadays spend a lot of time and money on trying to live their life more natural . Not having the baby the way it is , instead changing its features , would be against this whole point of view . Besides , according to many religions , not liking and editing on something created by God is not appropriate . To replace any characteristics of an unborn child would contradict with naturality . other serious problems in the future such as , not having equal opportunities . Parents having the right to edit their baby ’ s features is very likely to cause gender imbalance .
To sum up , having babies is a natural miracle and editing the genomes is against the main point of it . I do not think baby ’ s genomes should be edited on because it kills naturality , caries big risks and is likely to increase gender inequalities .
Changing a baby ’ s genomes is a big risk to take . This editing does not only prevent genetic disorders , it may also cause them . In addition , after the child is born , he or she can face psychological issues due to lack of self-confidence . Hence , editing children ’ s genomes has very big and possible risks .
Sexism around the world is a big problem and people being able to choose their children ’ s gender would increase this . To illustrate , if male babies are more wanted in the world right now , parents are more likely to choose having male babies . Giving them this opportunity would only disturb the natural balance of genders . Genders being unbalanced may lead to