The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 123


Should Extinct Species Be Brought Back To Life ?


Mammoths , dinosaurs , sabre-toothed tigers and so on . Our lives would be much more interesting with these organisms . De-extinction is the process of creating an organism which seems to be the chance of bringing back the extinct species . Although cloning is the most widely proposed method , gene editing and selective breeding are also other options . Scientists managed to de-extinct the Pyrenean ibex but only for 10 minutes . The idea seems to be possible but the question is why we should or should not make it possible .
De-extinction might be the missing piece of the puzzle of Earth . Nowadays our world is changing too fast in a negative way . We can say that global warming , deforestation , extinction etc . all cause damage to the ecosystem . When one organism in the ecosystem disappears others become effected too . The number of organisms increase or decrease in a huge way . In order to prevent this , the de-extinction of that organism might be used . For example ; we can bring the dodos back rather than the giant mammoths because the dodos are more effective in the current ecosystem . If we look at this side of the topic it seems like we should . Nonetheless there are still possible exploitations of de-extinction .
Personal entertainment and the personal outcomes are the most significant things for humans . Humans are getting more selfish day by day . De-extinction might be used for the financial outcomes . Imagine having only one live T-rex on this life on Earth . Everyone would go crazy just to see it . This might cause the abuse and usage of the organism which is not ethical . De-extinction is a super controversial topic and in my opinion it can be open to debate in the future .