The city of kindness- collaborative poem padlet-x7s2dw7fj1q9 The city of kindness Made with magic words BEBAGAJIC JAN 14, 2018 10:20PM The City of Kindness - poem by Centro Escolar de Gilmonde, Portugal Do your homework, walk the dog Na cidade da bondade há muita felicidade cantam os passarinhos Be quiet, be sweet, give your family a treat Sing the song of kindness with your friends Take a "kind', take a "ness", here you have kindness enquanto fazem os ninhos. Move your body, move your hands this is the dance of cheerfulness. Nascem ores de muitas cores, é sempre primavera. Oh que sonho! Que dera! O lema ajudar e não magoar. Aqui reina a amizade Nesta cidade da bondade. Wash the dishes by 8 o'clock. Full of gardens, full of trees, full of owers in the elds Singing birds building nest, children playing hide and seek Skip the rope, ride your bike, go out and take a hike Everybody is laughing loud, there's no cloud all around. Take a "kind", take a "ness",  this is the City of Kindness!!!!! In the city of kindness there is a lot of happiness the little birds sing while they make the nests. Flowers are born of many colors, It's always spring. I wish! Oh, what a dream!  GOODNESS The motto is help I want to be a tiny wizard, and not hurt. Here regns friendship  so I can with a stick in my hand to create a magical textbook, In this city kindness. which is called "Compassion"! 4º F - Centro Escolar de Gilmonde, Prof. Cláudia Meirinhos Their wondrous leaves, to hear it all over the world! To teach everyone to talk the bright language of love! The City of Kindness Poem by Ierissos Junior High School Students. Instead of bombs, y balloons! People have bread, shelter ... All the children do their best To make the City of Kindness At breakfast to eat candy, at an ice cream dinner - a whole ton! Acts of Love make us happy They are sweet like a soft puppy. Have little kids Help your mom, help your sister mom, dad, brothers, sisters ... The joy of singing like a bird! You can be a babysitter Instead of tears, shining stars!