The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 73

店房地产基础,它作为城市中心的地位不断上升,使得 它对于寻求长期投资的投资者极具吸引力。与旧金山 和纽约市不同,洛杉矶市中心依然存在停车场等未被 利用的地块,它们占据战略要地,作为未来大规模项目 的选址具有极大的吸引力。 这些新开发项目也给当地政府注入了活力。洛杉矶市 长Eric Garcetti对此表示支持,并且非常鼓励洛杉矶 本地商人与亚洲商业合作伙伴建立合作伙伴关系,对 洛杉矶进行投资,创造就业,刺激经济发展。洛杉矶县 经济发展公司在内的一些组织继续制定新的创新型计 划,为试图在洛杉矶地区中设立经营场所或拓展业务 的跨国公司提供帮助。 洛杉矶市中心区住宅房地产的需求不断上升,需要 加大投资,推动洛杉矶市中心区的开发热潮。据预 测,到2050年,洛杉矶县的人口将会增加3,500,000 人,并且将仍然是加州最大的县,而洛杉矶市是该州 WWW.THECHINAINVESTOR.COM estate, making it very appealing for investors looking for longer-term investments. Unlike San Francisco and New York City, Downtown Los Angeles still has underutilized parcels, such as parking lots, in strategically-located areas that are appealing as sites for future large-scale projects. The local government is also energized by these new developments. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti is supportive and is highly encouraging partnerships between Angelenos and Asian business partners to invest in Los Angeles to create jobs and to spur additional economic growth. Organizations, like the LA County Economic Development Corporation, continue to develop new and innovative programs to assist international companies seeking to locate or expand their operations in the Los Angeles region. There is an increasing demand for residential properties in DTLA and more investment is needed to help fuel Downtown LA’s development boom. It's projected that the population of Los Angeles County will increase 3.5 million by 2050, and it will remain the 72