The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 18

安全问题和充满活力的都市生活环境 。 ”
根据亚洲协会的报告 , 将近 80 % 的交易额 , 三分之二 的开发地块交易集中在纽约 、 洛杉矶和旧金山市场 中 。 报告称 , 这些市场中 , 每个市场中至少有六个项目 的总造价超过 10 亿美元 , 包括纽约的 Pacific Park / Atlantic Yards 项目 , 旧金山湾区的 First 和 Mission 街和 Brooklyn Basin 项目 , 洛杉矶的 Metropolis 和 Oceanwide Plaza / Fig Central 项目 。
中国人似乎将关注点集中在三大城市 , 尽管这些地区 的地价飞涨 , Karns 说道 。 他说道 ,“ 一直以来 , 中国投 资 者 都 很青 睐 纽 约 、 旧 金 山 和 洛 杉 矶 。 他 们 到 这 里 来 寻求长远发展 。 当然 , 西雅图也很受追捧 , 波特兰 、 亚 特兰大和新泽西州的部分地区也很有吸引力 , 但是让 中国投资者的视线从纽约 、 旧金山和洛杉矶转移至其 他地方并不容易 。 简单来说 , 如果你居住在上海 , 很 难自然而然地想到堪萨斯 。 甚至可能并不知道堪萨斯 在 哪 里 。 ”
同时 , 房地产大亨 , 唐纳德 · 特朗普 , 入主白宫 , Wei 认 为这也是对中国投资者的有利因素 。 他说道 ,“ 既然你 们的新总统曾经也是房地产开发商 , 这使得中国投资 者更加兴奋 。 按照他在总统竞选时所承诺的 , 他将会 重建美国 。 我认为 , 中国开发商将会有很多机会从中 获 益 。 ”
Chinese investors , that ’ s the trifecta : cultural affinity , sound prospects for returns and quality of life .” n In addition to stability and high returns as important factors , so are other less financial ones , said Hsu of the Asia Society in San Francisco .
“ Chinese companies , for example , see these cities as important markets to build and expand upon their global brand while learning how to navigate the complexity of the U . S . real estate market ,” he said . “ If they can succeed here , where competition can be fierce , they can succeed anywhere . For individual investors , the cultural and educational opportunities in cities such as New York , Los Angeles and San Francisco are highly attractive . The concentrated Chinese-American and Asian American populations make these cities a home away from home and investors consider the proximity to world-class educational institutions such as the University of California system , Stanford and Columbia as great opportunities for their children . As we note in the report , quality of life factors also come into play , such as clean air , food safety issues and being in the middle of a vibrant urban life .”
Nearly 80 percent of the dollar volume has been concentrated in the markets New York , Los Angeles San Francisco with two-thirds of development site transactions , according to the Asia Society ’ s report . At least six projects in these markets each have total project costs exceeding $ 1 billion , including Pacific Park / Atlantic Yards in New York , First and Mission and the Brooklyn Basin project in the Bay Area and One Beverly Hills , Metropolis and Oceanwide Plaza / Fig Central in Los Angeles , the report stated .
The Chinese seem to focus on the big three despite those areas ’ skyrocketing prices , Karns said . “ The Chinese investors over time want to be in New York , San Francisco and Los Angeles ,” he said . “ They ’ re here for the long haul . Sure , Seattle is white-hot , and Portland , Atlanta and parts of New Jersey are attractive , but it ’ s not easy to get Chinese off the New York , San Francisco and Los Angeles maps . Simply put , if you ’ re in Shanghai , it ’ s tough to get comfortable thinking of Kansas . They might not even know where Kansas is .”
Meanwhile , a real estate mogul , Donald Trump , sits in the White House , and Wei contends that is a plus for Chinese investors .
“ Since your new president was a developer before , it makes Chinese investors more excited ,” he said . “ According to what he said during the presidential campaign , he will reconstruct America . I think there will be a lot of chances for Chinese developers to share and benefit from it .”