The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 17

金山湾区”,亚洲协会在其“开辟新天地”报告中表示。 这三个地区的魅力何在? “纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山有大量的中国人,稳健的房地 产市场和良好的教育机会”,Karp说道,“对于中国投 资者而言,这三个城市的三大优点在于:文化亲和力, 良好的投资回报前景和生活品质”。 亚洲协会旧金山分会的Hsu表示,重要影响因素除了 稳定性和高回报率以外,还有其他非经济方面的因 素。他认为,“例如,中国公司将这些城市视为重要的 市场,在这些城市中建立和扩大其全球品牌,同时学 习如何应对美国房地产市场的复杂性。如果他们能够 在这些竞争激烈的市场中取得成功,那么他们便能够 在任何地方取得成功。 对于个人投资者而言,纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山等城市 中的文化和教育机会极具吸引力。这些城市聚集着大 量美籍华裔和美籍亚裔人口,使得其成为家乡之外的 另一个家乡,投资者认为,这些城市与世界一流的教 育机构的邻近性,如加州大学系统,斯坦福和哥伦比 亚大学,将会为其子女创造良好的教育机会。如报告 中所述,生活品质因素也起着作用,如清洁空气,食品 WWW.THECHINAINVESTOR.COM the adage that a rising tide lifts all boats. They got in at the right time – 2010, 2011. Some of the companies, like Elite, find repeat partners, so they’re doing a lot in a short amount of time. The market is hot.” TOP AMERICAN MARKETS FOR INVESTORS As for the hottest U.S. markets, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles are on the front burner. But more than those Gateway Cities are simmering. During 2016, New York City had $6.8 billion in Chinese real estate capital, according to Real Capital Analytics. That was followed by $2.5 billion in San Francisco, $1.4 billion in Los Angeles, $962 million in Chicago, $537 million in Phoenix, $475 million in Miami and South Florida, $202 million in Washington, D.C., $147 million in Seattle and $11 million in Houston. No question who the heavy hitters at the top of the lineup are. “The vast majority of investments have flowed into three regions: New York, Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area,” notes the Asia Society in its “Breaking Ground” report. What is so attractive about that trio? “New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco have large Chinese populations, robust real estate markets and great educational opportunities,” said Karp. “For 16