The Carmen Martín Gaite Express Vol 1. | Page 7



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English Idiom

"It's raining cats and dogs!"

Expresión española

"¡Tirar la casa por la ventana!"

Diversity in Classrooms

In many classrooms, we can see students from different nationalities, religions, cultures and ethnic backgrounds all together in the same room learning and preparing themselves for the future. Education is a very good way of uniting cultures and making the world a more open and diverse place.

In my own classroom, there are many people who are not Spanish. Starting with myself and my brother who are from Syria. There are also Moroccans, Romanians and even English people all together in the same classroom. We all get on together very well despite coming from different places and having different ideas.

This cultural diversity helps to create new ideas, everyone can share their opinions and help to create a better environment in the classroom. Having an open mind and being receptive towards new ideas is very important in today’s world. We are closer than ever to one another. We only need to go out to the street in a crowded city and we will see hundreds of people with different nationalities and ethnicities without even noticing.

Many people think immigration is bad and that immigrants take the jobs of the people from Spain, but this is far from being true. First of all, I think there should be no prejudices over the place a person is from. In the end, we are all people and the ability to carry out a certain job does not depend on where we come from. If two people are competing to get a job, the person with the best ability to carry out that job should be chosen, regardless of anything else that is not related to their abilities, such as their nationality.

In recent times, the view of immigrants, especially in the western world, is deteriorating. Due to international conflicts, such as the Syrian Civil War, there is a large number of people seeking refuge in Europe and the West. This has caused many people to hate the people who come to “their” country and, consequently, people like Donald Trump in the United States and Marine Le Pen in France have gained a lot of support in their countries. The ideology of these leaders and their parties have very extremist views towards immigration.

In conclusion, I think education is a perfect way of uniting people, who can be different in many ways, as knowledge has got no nationality. That is what is beautiful about being human, we are all different in our own way.

Usama Labanieh

Luctus pede



Este trimestre hemos organizado el campeonato de balonmano en el cual han participado tanto los alumnos como los profesores del IES Carmen Martín Gaite.

Los partidos han transcurrido durante los recreos. Estos torneos han sido posibles gracias a la colaboración de distintas personas:

-Encargados del material, que se aseguraban de que todo estuviera listo para el partido.

-Organizadores, cuya tarea ha consistido en distribuir los horarios para que todos los participantes supieran cuando era cada partido.

-Árbitros, que se han encargado de supervisar los partidos.

-Las personas encargadas de promocionar los partidos para atraer al mayor número de espectadores.

-Directores, cuya tarea consistía en organizar al equipo y avisar de cualquier fallo que pudiera ocurrir en el proyecto.

En cuanto a los resultados, éstos se dividen en ganadores del primer ciclo, y del segundo ciclo, denominados “los piraos” y “pasillo team”, respectivamente. Todos los participantes se han mostrado muy involucrados en el juego y han sido buenos competidores.

¡Enhorabuena a todos los equipos!

Marina Casas

Here is a piece by 1ºC, 1ºD+1ºE. And below,

some great artworks by 2º Eso.

Soon they will be on display in Navalcarnero library so look out for them!!

A spooky glow in the dark mask created for a play in conjunction with the philosophy department.

Art Corner