The Carmen Martín Gaite Express Vol 1.




¡Hola a todos!

Tenemos buenas noticias. Después de haber esperado mucho tiempo, por fin tenemos el placer de anunciar el comienzo de la revista CMG Express!!! Aquí encontraréis artículos con información interesante, historias e incluso divertidas bromas. El proyecto empezó hace un mes y gracias a Brendan y a su equipo hoy por fin podemos ver publicada la primera edición de esta revista. Los artículos están dirigidos a padres y a alumnos y están escritos tanto en inglés como en español. Estáis invitados a compartir la revista con familiares y amigos... ¡Quizá se convierta en la revista más exitosa de Madrid! Finalmente, agradecer a todos los profesores y estudiantes que se han involucrado en este proyecto. Poder realizar actividades como esta es muy importante dentro del programa bilingüe y además una gran oportinidad para fomentar la creatividad. Esperamos seguir contando con el apoyo de padres y alumnos y ser capaces de continuar este fantástico proyecto durante los próximos años

Hello, everyone!

I have great news for you! After waiting for so long, I am pleased to announce a magnificent event, the commencement of a NEWSLETTER!!!. I hope you will find the information interesting, the stories entertaining and the jokes hilarious.This project started a month ago and within a month, Brendan and his team have been able to publish this first edition. Thank you, guys! Articles have been specially designed for parents and students in English and Spanish, so you are invited to share it with your family and friends to make it the most successful newsletter in Madrid! Finally I would like to thank all the students and teachers that have been involved in this project. It is very important in our bilingual program and a fantastic outlet for creativity. Hopefully, with the continued support of parents and students, we will be able to carry on this a newsletter in the coming years.

Ana Lagranja

Head of the English Department

auxiliary program at IES Carmen Martín Gaite 2017



Brendan Hennessy

The auxiliary program has continued in IES Carmen Martín Gaite for another year. Auxiliaries or language assistants, are part-time employees of the Ministry of Education. They are native English speakers that assist teachers with the development of fluency of their students. They are seen as a valuable resource for students and teachers alike. We have had four auxiliaries with the school this year and we hope to have the same number return next year to continue the great work.

The auxiliaries are of course present in English class, but it doesn’t stop there. Auxiliaries assist in most subjects, Biology to Technology, Art to P.E. Any opportunity to help improve fluency. During these classes, various types of activities are undertaken; games, activities, conversation groups.

But the most beneficial way of learning English is simple! Through general conversation. Simply taking an interest in a student’s lives, enquiring about their hopes, plans or what they did on the weekend. It makes learning a language more relevant. English has become so important in the world today. In fact, it has become the language of business communication, science and travel.

¿Una nueva forma de inteligencia?

Si quieres saber más pasa a la página 4

Four days

in the


Jokes and Bromas

Todas las noticias relacionadas con el deporte en el CMG las encontrarás en las páginas 2 y 4

If students are tackling any of these in the future, English is necessary. And that is why the auxiliaries at IES Carmen Martín Gaite take great pride in helping them. Let’s hope students take advantage of this great opportunity and the government continues to fund this essential program with our support.

A special thanks to the other auxiliaries; Cristina, Michael and Robert.

Introducing the CMG Express