The Career Book - current version | Page 34

the career book CAREER PORTFOLIO AND RESUME A career portfolio is a collection of information about you, including your resumé, which will help demonstrate your skills, abilities and experiences to prospective employers. A career portfolio is a personal collection of materials that documents your: • • • • • • work history professional development achievements employability skills career plans job applications and related information. Building a career portfolio involves thought and analysis. Through the process of putting together a career portfolio, you will develop a greater awareness of your life, learning and work competencies and produce a product that communicates, your achievements and capabilities to others. This can also be used as a ‘gap analysis’. Have you achieved something to record in each section? Certificates? Awards? Work experience? If not, now is the time to shift focus onto achieving in these deficit areas. USQ 3.44 Creating a resumé that stands out - myfuture USQ 3.45 Use action words for maximum impact in your resumé Your career portfolio supports you in your transition through and beyond school to further learning and work. It will change as your life changes, so keep your portfolio current and up to date. What is in it? The types of things that you can put in your portfolio include resumés, cover letters, certificates a