The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 30: April/May 2017 | Page 14



By Halina Jaroszewska
Why do we cling to a fixed mindset re leadership ? What assumptions guide our judgement ? How do we allow ourselves to see the spin versus the reality ? Why do we give permission to impose the square peg or the round peg when the other would be the perfect fit ?
Halina Jarowszewska
Great questions ? Uncomfortable questions ? Challenging questions ? Disruptive questions ?
“ Square peg in a round hole ” is an idiomatic expression describing the unusual individualist who could not fit into a niche in his / her society . The metaphor came from Sydney Smith ’ s lecture “ On the Conduct of the Understanding ”, for the Royal Institution in 1804 – 06 .
A square peg in a round hole is ‘ a person whose character makes them unsuitable for the job or other position they are in ’ ( Cambridge Advanced Learner ’ s Dictionary & Thesaurus ).
Interesting that it is the individual described as in the wrong rather than the society or job or position .
What if we found the round hole for the round peg and the square hole for the square peg ? If we enabled , encouraged and expected everyone to celebrate their natural abilities and unique potential ? Rather than enabling , expecting , encouraging people to force themselves , like Cinderella ’ s step sisters , into shoes that are absolutely the wrong fit .
How much do we give permission to toleration of what we know doesn ’ t fit ? How often do we as leaders stop to encourage people around us to be brave and ask this question
– “ what do you think I might know that could help you ?” If we realised how much we perpetuate what isn ’ t right especially when it ’ s there in front of us , would we stop ? What might we do differently ? How might we shift our thinking ? What if we decided to have a monogamous affair with reality , choosing not to cheat on reality ? What difference might that make to leadership ? Everyone is exceptional if we bother to let go of received wisdom and truly see the talent and potential of people . It ’ s that round peg / square peg again .
Think how effective it would be if those in leadership roles 360 ’ d their approach to be curious about whom they really had in their team / organisation / board / stakeholders rather than who they think they have .
Smart Coaching & Training have some fabulous ways of helping leaders have their square pegs and round pegs in the right holes , so their people shine .
For more info : www . smartcoachingtraining . co . uk
@ SCT4success


By Ellis Bardsley
Our business is the answer to the future we want ! Why do so many business owners find themselves the owner of a heavy , demanding job that in reality pays them an hourly rate that is lower than what they pay their staff ?
Ellis Bardsley
Level 3 business owners have vision and inspiration . Membership of the Level 3 club means freedom of choice over when you work and on what . They no longer exchange their time for money they exchange money for other people ’ s time , hence their business ‘ works without them ’ day to day .
They truly own a business ; it ’ s a systemised , leveraged , well marketed organisation managed by a strong team . As the master of the business they know their time must
be invested not spent . They work ON not just IN their business .
Level 2 is a ‘ round-a-bout ’! It ’ s a good place to be , but it ’ s hard work ! The level 2 owner runs fast , every day , often just to meet payroll and other commitments .
The weight on a Level 2 owner ’ s shoulders is heavy . Danger is everywhere ; the economy , worry , fear , cash flow pressures , etc . Fear of risk and failure are real and magnified at Level 2 and the pressure is significant .
Level 1 is about survival and desperation ! Feast and famine are often present and this business owner is 100 % IN their business . They can see the future they want , but progress is slow or limited and there is a mountain of “ how do I get there ?” questions .
Level 1 businesses should learn to become masters of themselves and their business , remove chaos and understand how to develop sustainable cash-flow through sales growth via targeted marketing .
Level 2 businesses have to step away , invest time in their personal development and work increasingly ON their business to structure it for Level 3 .
Every business and its owner has the potential to reach Level 3 . Understand where you are , redefine your dreams and goals and build a plan that will structure you first and then your business for Level 3 business ownership .
For more info : www . actioncoach . com / ellisbardsley