The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 8 | Page 9


14 Poor Reasons to Take Up writing Poetry

after McSweeny’s

1)To recapture that sensation of pubescent angst you’ve been missing all

of these years.

2) To fill the gaping void in your chest left the after it was rent asunder

like a poorly planned pelvic exam.

3) Because you need more gynecological metaphors in your life.

4) Because you are at odds with the prevalent political landscape.

5) To fit in.

6) Because you failed out of law school, but watercolor just isn’t visceral enough a medium to express your pain.

7) Because “villanelle” just sounds too bloody exotic.

8) Because you want to spice up your Fetlife profile.

9) Becaue Shakespeare got all the chicks.

10) Because Byron got everyone.

11) You forget how to grammar.

12) You have vowed to text solely in Haiku.

13) You like lists and Cracked articles.

14) Speculum