The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 8 | Page 8


Three poems by Micheal Cantin

What I’ve Learned About Science

Some people really don’t seem to understand science.

They believe it is an act of declarative absolute.

They see uncertainty as flaw or failure,

never realizing that failure is always an option.

Science is not about absolutes.

It is about variables and experimentation.

It has room to adapt, change, and revise.

Science is like poetry.

Science is not about being right.

What it IS about is irritating invertebrates.

It is about knowing how freaky deaky

sea slugs can be when they get it on.

Science is not about being flawless.

Science is about growth and potential.

Science is about discovery.

It is unfathomable beauty of the question,

open and raw as our souls.

Science, I have learned,

is inherently combustible.

You ask me about absolutes and chance.

You mistake the meaning of “theory.”

I’ve done a lot of science in my day,

and let me tell you,

That is not how you science.