The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 2 | 页面 14


for the ex boyfriend before

his reckless car accident

by Farah Billah

We rented a place in Everett, 

Necked like birds in the bitter cold.

My hands formed blankets around your heart

and you made me promise I'd warm you forever. 

I think we could have been boring someday.

Sweet, old, boring on a couch in middle of summer

in eastern Washington, maybe. That time of year

is always the prettiest if you don't prefer the rain.

I was a rain girl, you were always an island in the spring

kind of guy. We could have dug our feet into the ground

until they walked themselves back into bed with you and me.

And our couch. And a little place in Everett

we wouldn't have to rent anymore.

We could be somewhere in Pike Place,

somewhere we started and started and

started again. I remember the last day I was there,

we tucked ourselves in coats and cold and coffee.

We sat, arms pretzeled, talking about old age like

it was something we'd pick up at the store later.

I remember it being warmer than ever.

I remember being happy.