The Beauty Battalion - Featuring Beauty In All Shapes & Sizes May 2017 | Page 42

Being Authentic = Real Success

After her TV show was cancelled in 2011, Kristina started a website called that eventually morphed into her site now, She blogged about recipes and her love for cooking but began to gravitate to a small section she started on her site called Parenting Tantrums.

“What I found was that little part was my favorite thing on the whole site,” Kristina said with a sparkle in her eye. “The thing I get really excited about, and want to learn more (about), and you know the feeling you get inside that just yells, YES, was definitely the parenting thing.”

Making recipes the sidebar while featuring parenting tips as the feature of her site didn’t catch the public’s attention right away. Her business manager was continuing to pitch her to the Food Network and offer her opportunities to develop a new cooking show, but nothing was panning out. Kristina had another baby and decided that if she could make cooking videos, she could also make parenting videos.

Her friend that helped her before with videos was no longer available so she took matters into her own hands. While breastfeeding her baby, Kristina searched Googled for what equipment to buy, how to edit, and how to record videos without using a smart phone. Her first video on YouTube was just over two minutes and titled, “4 Reasons Stretch Marks are Sexy.”

In her authentic comedic flair, she even showed her abdominal stretch marks and likened them to tiger stripes and lightening strikes.

4 Reasons stretch marks are sexy

4 Signs You're Ready To Be a Parent