The Baseball Observer Nov-Dec 2015 vol 5 | Page 42

9 out of 10 college coaches said their perception of a recruit has been

negatively affected by a social media post

Source: US Youth Soccer Survey

The Baseball Observer - Nov/ Dec 2015


You are at a party and someone takes a picture. You're in the picture. You're not drinking but others in the picture are. One might assume you are drinking too. Guilty by association.

Secondly, most

players are under

the legal drinking

age of 21 so if

you do have a

beer in your hand

you are actually

breaking the law

by drinking under


Third, whether you post it or your friends post it on your wall it's irrelevant to coaches. It might not seem "fair" but your character is also measured by the company you keep. Be aware of not only what you are posting but what your friends might be posting.

Lastly, you might not realize it but your privacy settings are only as good as your "friends" privacy settings. It only takes one "like", comment, retweet etc. for somethinig to go viral. Any of them can copy your posts or photos.


Social media is now part of most coaches standard checklist for recruits. They use your posts to find out who you really are. How you interact with others, what you like to do with your spare time, etc.

Even though you might be one of the best players in the United States it doesn't mean Vanderbilt is going to recruit you. Best player means on and off the field. THINK before you post, then think some more. Coaches know social media is now simply a fact of life. Players should be permitted to use social media sites, but be careful of what you are posting, and utilize social media with caution.

As an athlete you are in the "spotlight" so everything you do is watched whether your like it or not. It comes with the territory. The first thing a player should ask themselves:

"What's my Twitter handle?"

Coaches should seriously consider running a social media seminar/meeting at the beginning of EVERY baseball season. Let the players know the importance social media can play in their future (good and bad).