The Baseball Observer Jan-Feb 2017 vol 8 | Page 61

thoughts and ideas with very limited actual science.

We can discuss what training tools or drills to use but the swing comes down to science. A coach has to have an above average and accurate knowledge of physics, biomechanics, kinetics, anatomy etc. Unless you have more than an average understanding of the true science behind the swing (how the body moves in space, what forces are involved and how you can actually manipulate them) – how can you know what drill to use? How can we as coaches even think we are teaching the correct thing if we don’t actually know or understand ourselves? We have to know not assume or regurgitate.

If you can’t swing a bat correctly all the other things don’t matter (this includes pitch recognition, psychology, etc.).

Learning and teaching hitting a baseball is done in layers and understanding the science behind the basic correct swing is the first layer, the foundation. Like in construction, if the foundation of the house is poor – it doesn’t matter how great the rest of the construction is – the house is weak and unstable.

To have an efficient and powerful swing or throw you MUST utilize scientific FACTS about the body, how it moves, the Natural Forces involved and how to manipulate them to the players benefit. We are all physically bound by our anatomy and Natural Laws of movements and interactions – period. Once you understand the science then you can apply that knowledge with your professional practice experience.

Who cares what the real reason is – either way if they do it they will have a quicker swing

Would you rather just be told what to do or know the reason why? Science proves the concrete "why" you should or shouldn’t do something. It also deals with the Organization Principle. Memory is best when we relate the things we are trying to learn to each other, to see how they are connected together, or share certain features. (How Students Learn - and How We Can Help Them, John F. Kihlstrom; UC Berkeley 2011). Science is connected and similar - theories and philosophies are not.


Do you know and can explain how the following affect the swing? Which ones you can manipulate to help create optimum performance? Can you explain to a player so they can understand?

• Kinetic Chain

• Ground Reaction Force (GRF)

• Axis of Rotation

• Long-axis rotation

• Angle Velocity/ Angular Rotation

• Torque

• Inertia

• Moment of Inertia

• Center of Gravity

• Newton's Three Laws of Motion

• Vertical force

• Shear force

• Stretch-Shortening Cycle

• Which muscles work with others

• Which muscle group is dominant and

most active during different phases

of the swing and how they impact the

next group?

• Joint involvement

• etc.

It is a long list and there are more. It isn't to be combative, just a realization that we need to understand and teach the science behind hitting. Once a player is taught the science he can begin to correct himself.

Coaches are teachers not instructors