The Baseball Observer Aug/ Sept 2018 Issue 11 | Page 43


This video, along with others, were created for a select few of my clients and a supplement to their personal training. This info isn't stand alone. It’s a piece of the puzzle. There are other considerations that have to work in tandem with the Three D's. Also, it is not "professionally produced" so it’s not flashy, but felt I needed to make this information available to all baseball players., coaches, parents, etc.

In this section we're going to cover something very important that is rarely, if ever, taught in hitting. How to use your two types of long term memory to trust the skills you already have to allow you to perform better at the plate. Learning this will advance your hitting beyond others. It's something the majority of baseball hitting instructors and coaches don't know or teach.

Lastly, we want you to understand that this isn't regurgitating the same "theories" or "philosophies" that most teach. This is backed-up by research in neuroscience which we will make easy to understand - and the main research is cited at the end of the video.

For complete details or questions contact: [email protected]

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