The Ballad of Brighid of Atlanta (Kid-Friendly Version) #1 | Page 25

Despite the fact that “Riot Grrrl” was a pretty great name, there was no going in the classic superhero direction. Any chance of a “secret identity” was shot. And anyhow, she hates comics. Whatever. Her “gifts” came with a price. Can you imagine how many calories it takes to lift a car over your head? Her body seemed indestructible, but -well, I said I’d give it to you straight ... I don’t know. I’m a dude. I’m just saying ... ... I don’t know anything about what women go through. All I know is if she was going to “power up” or whatever we were going to call it ... ... there was a hormonal surge or something. Look, I’m a good feminist. I don’t want to talk about PMS or whatever, but somtimes ... Hands off! ... Sometimes being around her was a wild ride. How about that? whoa, careful! I’m gonna fall down -- mmmph. ... Uh, Okay?