The Ballad of Brighid of Atlanta (Kid-Friendly Version) #1 | Page 15

... Georgia’s own answer to Punskatawny Phil -- Punsk -- crap! Of course, there are always slow news days. Like this one, back on February 2. Groundhog Day. Marmot? Isn't a groundhog a rodent? PUNX A TAWNY. PUNX A TAWNee. PUNX A TAWNY ... {Ahem} Bet me, Dave. Bet me thirty bucks that it's a rodent and not a marmot. Bet me! What's the difference? I don't know. Don't care. This is boring and crappy and early and cold. Bet me. “We’re stuck in Backupinunderthere stupid Demorest County somewhere to pay a visit to Georgia’s own answer to the unbelievably AWESOME ... Punxatawny Phil, weather-forecasting marmot extraordinaire!” You're on for five bucks. Have we got time for me to take a crap? Brighid? BriD-Jet, yeah. That's me. Happy Groundhog's day. Can I get you an autograph? You know me, Brighid. I'm the Cailleach. Prolly twenty minutes before I need you. Hold it or hurry. Hurry it shall be! Excuse me?