The Atlanta Lawyer November 2018 | Page 4

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE With Thanks and Gratitude for Old Friends and New Nicole G. Iannarone Georgia State University School of Law During the holiday season, we often reflect upon the things for which we are thankful. In this edi- tion of The Atlanta Lawyer, our editorial board asks Atlanta Bar leaders an equally important, but much harder to answer question: How do we show our thanks and gratitude for those who sup- port us? port us. As lawyers, we lead busy lives, trying to move at a quick and efficient pace to serve those we represent. We too are in the business of service. Remembering to slow down and say thank you to those who support us is important. This month, I’d like to try to express my gratitude for the very many who support the work of the Atlanta Bar. As lawyers, we lead busy lives, trying to move at a quick and efficient pace to serve those we represent. We too are in the business of service. Remember- ing to slow down and say thank you to those who support us is important. When counting the things for which we give thanks, we will each inevitably l i s t t h e m a ny who support us in our personal and professional lives. Yet, rec- ognizing those for whom we are thankful is harder said than done. Indeed, an answer that many (most?) of us might give is that we do not do nearly enough to recognize those who sup- 4 November 2018 The Atlanta Bar’s sections are the life- blood of our association, providing op- portunities for members in related areas of interest or practice to fel- lowship with and learn from each other. Our committees and programs, like the Minority and Diversity Clerkship Program, Law School Outreach Committee, Summer Law Internship