The Atlanta Lawyer November 2011 | Page 13

law ers in the arts Farzan "Fernando" Kendrick and Kevin Wilson but to the eo le around ou and to those who are most im ortant in our life. What artist (in or outside of our articular artistic endeavor) do ou most res ect desire to be li e It s reall tough to name ust one artist, because there are so man great ones out there whom I admire. With res ect to flamenco singers, I reall li e Ni a Pastori. She has such a ure voice, and she ma es even the most com licated flamenco singing sound absolutel effortless. As far as non-flamenco singers go, I would have to sa that I reall admire Prince and Stevie Wonder. The are ust fantastic musicians, and it s ama ing to listen to their wor . I don t tr to be li e an of these artists whom I admire so much, though. I would rather be the best version of m self that I can be than a chea imitation of an artist who is obviousl a lot better than I could ever ho e to be. From left to right Kevin Wilson, Izabel Blankenship, Marianela "Malita" Belloso, Diana Corica, Ania Bartelmus and Farzan "Fernando" Kendrick The Of cial News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association November 2011 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 13