The Atlanta Lawyer December 2012 | Page 22

section update Elder Law Section Update By Sarah R. Watchko DeBaun & Associates, P.C. T he Elder Law Section of the Atlanta Bar Association has had a busy year so far! During this holiday season, the section reached out to needy seniors in the area by participating in Home Instead Senior Care's Be a Santa for a Senior Project. Through the project, section volunteers have purchased holiday gifts for a number of seniors living in nursing homes who might not otherwise receive a gift this season. Section volunteers will also help wrap and deliver the gifts. We are thankful to Home Instead for allowing us to participate in this program and have appreciated the opportunity to remember and help those in need. The section has also enjoyed three breakfast programs this year, with topics ranging from consumer protection for 22 THE ATLANTA LAWYER December 2012 [email protected] seniors, financial planning for baby boomers and beyond, and hot topics in practice development for elder law and small firm attorneys. Our next breakfast meeting, held on January 16, 2013, will feature nationally renowned speaker Victoria Collier, Esq., on Veterans Administration Benefits. Coming up in 2013, the section is looking forward to getting its Power of Attorney Pro Bono Project underway, enjoying five more breakfast meetings, and hosting a CLE webinar on adult guardianship and conservatorship. In addition, the Family Law Section and Solo Practitioner/Small Firm Section have graciously invited the Elder Law Section to co-sponsor a Wine Tasting event on January 17, 2013. Finally, the section is grateful to its annual sponsors, Assisted Living Locators and LivHome, for their continued support. ■ The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association