The Atlanta Lawyer August / September 2018 | Page 5

Programs like SLIP require support. In ad- dition to the countless hours volunteered by the SLIP co-chairs and the hard work of our Atlanta Bar Association staff supporting the program, SLIP could not happen without your generous support of the Atlanta Bar Founda- tion. Chaired by Betsy Griswold this year, the Atlanta Bar Association’s mission is to support Atlanta Bar charitable projects that promote equal access to justice, assistance to youth and public understanding of the law. Over this sum- mer, the Foundation’s work included hosting an End of Summer Party at Park Tavern to help raise funds for the Foundation. Featuring RU- MOURS, a Fleetwood Mac cover band, the End of Summer Party was a great event for a great cause. Earlier this month, led by Louis Cohan, the Atlanta Bar and the Atlanta Bar Foundation hosted The Legal Runaround 5K, an annual event to support scholarships for children of Atlanta Police officers who have been disabled or killed in the line of duty. With summer officially over, the Atlanta Bar Association is back in full swing with events nearly every day. Check our online calendar to find bar-wide and section events to attend. From breakfast to lunch to evening receptions, there are events for every lawyer to learn about changes in their practice areas, network, or simply catch up with friends and ask what they did this summer. L AWYER R EFERRAL I NFORMATION S ERVICE & LRIS REFER CALLS TO Remember, if your firm receives those occasional calls regarding legal issues that you do not handle, refer them to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service. 404-521-0777 Thank you for being an active part of the Atlanta Bar Association, and I hope to see you at one of our many upcoming events. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 5