The Atlanta Lawyer April 2014 | Page 11

Feature Article which good is accomplished. Be in that five percent. Step 6. Observe, Listen and Build Consensus The Atlanta Bar just celebrated its 125th Anniversary. Unlike the State Bar of Georgia, which has mandatory attendance, the Atlanta Bar is purely voluntary. It would not have grown into what it is today if it had not done most things right. Good leaders recognize that they are merely cogs in a much larger machine with a prestigious history. Does the Bar need to make changes in a number of areas? Absolutely. Frequently, however, things are done in a certain manner for a good reason. Before pointing out what does indeed need to be changed, solicit opinions about the status quo and how it got that way. Doing so will help build consensus for improvement. Being thoughtful and respectful builds credibility. Leaders need credibility before change can be achieved. “ Step 7. Lead by Doing the Hard Work We have all heard that good leaders are good managers and delegate tasks to others. True, but good leaders work hard and don’t shove downstream that whic ^H\